Description: From Germany, only the location of shellfish mariculture is provided. Since there is only one minor business, information on annual production and nutrient loads are confidential for reasons of competition and not accessible for submission. For Sweden, The data has been delivered by Swedish Board of Agriculture. Only the location and permitted production in 2015 of shellfish mariculture is provided.
Description: Nutrient inputs from fish farms in Denmark are calculated on the basis of production data. Some numbers that were missing on nutrient input in Sweden have been calculated by SCB, Statistics Sweden (red numbers) based on average input/ amount produced fish.No exact area (km2) of the finfish mariculture was available, hence an estimate is given if been possible to calculate.Temporal coverage of the data varies by country: Denmark data covers only 2014, Sweden 2011 – 2014 and Finland in part 2011 – 2015: data on finfish production was unavailable, data on nutrient loading is lacking from some of the fish farming facilities and from Åland only data from 2014 was available. Dataset for annual production (year 2014), annual loads and coordinates from Denmark are quality assured.The Swedish data has been extracted from the Swedish Portal for Environmental Reporting and merged as a national dataset. The Finnish dataset has been extracted from the VAHTI database (Finnish Environment Institute).
Description: HELCOM requires spatially explicit information on fishing activity affecting the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem for policy purposes. In order to obtain this information a joint ICES/HELCOM/OSPAR data call was issued to relevant authorities of contracting parties to deliver information on fishing activity based on VMS/Log book data. The raw data was submitted to ICES and processed to advice data products by ICES Working Group for Spatial Fisheries (WGSFD) as requested by HELCOM. Processing of the raw data requires specific resources, knowledge and guarantee of anonymity for specific vessels, thus the process was done by ICES WGSFD following Conditions for VMS data use. In 2015 ICES collated Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook data received; data from Russia were not received. ICES provided to HELCOM advice as fishing abrasion pressure maps as well as fishing effort maps.Read full advice text here.
Description: HELCOM requires spatially explicit information on fishing activity affecting the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem for policy purposes. In order to obtain this information a joint ICES/HELCOM/OSPAR data call was issued to relevant authorities of contracting parties to deliver information on fishing activity based on VMS/Log book data. The raw data was submitted to ICES and processed to advice data products by ICES Working Group for Spatial Fisheries (WGSFD) as requested by HELCOM. Processing of the raw data requires specific resources, knowledge and guarantee of anonymity for specific vessels, thus the process was done by ICES WGSFD following Conditions for VMS data use. In 2015 ICES collated Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook data received; data from Russia were not received. ICES provided to HELCOM advice as fishing abrasion pressure maps as well as fishing effort maps.Read full advice text here.
Description: HELCOM requires spatially explicit information on fishing activity affecting the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem for policy purposes. In order to obtain this information a joint ICES/HELCOM/OSPAR data call was issued to relevant authorities of contracting parties to deliver information on fishing activity based on VMS/Log book data. The raw data was submitted to ICES and processed to advice data products by ICES Working Group for Spatial Fisheries (WGSFD) as requested by HELCOM. Processing of the raw data requires specific resources, knowledge and guarantee of anonymity for specific vessels, thus the process was done by ICES WGSFD following Conditions for VMS data use. In 2015 ICES collated Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook data received; data from Russia were not received. ICES provided to HELCOM advice as fishing abrasion pressure maps as well as fishing effort maps.Read full advice text here.
Name: Fishing effort mobile bottom-contacting gear 2013
Display Field: c_square
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: HELCOM requires spatially explicit information on fishing activity affecting the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem for policy purposes. In order to obtain this information a joint ICES/HELCOM/OSPAR data call was issued to relevant authorities of contracting parties to deliver information on fishing activity based on VMS/Log book data. The raw data was submitted to ICES and processed to advice data products by ICES Working Group for Spatial Fisheries (WGSFD) as requested by HELCOM. Processing of the raw data requires specific resources, knowledge and guarantee of anonymity for specific vessels, thus the process was done by ICES WGSFD following Conditions for VMS data use. In 2015 ICES collated Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook data received; data from Russia were not received. ICES provided to HELCOM advice as fishing abrasion pressure maps as well as fishing effort maps.Read full advice text here.
Description: This dataset contains point data describing the location of oil rigs in the Baltic Sea. Coordinate data for oil rigs at the Polish coast is provided by MRCC Gdynia and for Russian data by Lukoil-Kaliningrad and was provided by Mikhail Durkin.
Description: The data is based on Open street map data on bridges. Constructed from Baltic countries’ “roads” shapefiles downloaded through Geofabrik. The dataset was compiled during 2016 for HELCOM Assessments. Estonian bridge between Saaremaa and Muhu island was received from Ministry of the Environment of Estonia.
Description: The dataset contains locations of commercial ports as points derived from data produced in HELCOM Maritime Assessment 2016.The point data is based on polygons of commercial Ports in the Baltic Sea. The polygon was generated as center point of existing port area polygons. The polygons wereproduced for the purpose of estimation of Ports visits using Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. The delimitation of the Port area was based on satellite imagery (visual criteria), Baltic Port List 2012, and maps available in Port's official websites. The attribute table contains: Country, Port (name), Links (website) and theUnited Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations (UNLOCode). Estonian harbours were received from the Ministry of the Environment of Estonia
Description: This dataset is combined from shapefiles downloaded from the Ramsar data downlod in In addition HELCOM Contracting countries have been provided additional spatial information on Ramsar sites in their marine waters.
Description: Dataset contains the Unesco Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Biosphere reserves in the Baltic Sea area (in 1998). Biosphere Reserves are areas of terrestrial and coastal ecosystems promoting solutions to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use. They are internationally recognized, nominated by national governments and remain under sovereign jurisdiction of the states where they are located. Biosphere reserves serve in some ways as 'living laboratories' for testing out and demonstrating integrated management of land, water and biodiversity. The source of this data set was 'Baltic Pipeline System: Environmental Impact on the Baltic Sea' by Tacis services DG IA, European Commission. The dataset has later been amended with UNESCO World Heritage Sites. See attribute table for details. For more information about marine protected areas in the Baltic Sea, see:
Description: This dataset illustrates the numbers of bycaught Harbour porpoise sightings around the Baltic Sea, including both historical and recent numbers. The data originates from the ASCOBANS Harbour porpoise database hosted previously by German Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (FTZ). Updates (new sightings and features) to this HELCOM-ASCOBANS database were received from HELCOM Contracting Parties last time during spring 2010. Age, length, weight, sex, numbers of individuals caught per one event and type of fishing gear involved are reported where information is available. The country EEZ, basin and subbasin where the sighting has been made are given. Also Country responsible for the reporting and some additional information have been given. Original ID's from the FTZ or national databases have been preserved. (Note that some of the numeric data: length, weight & NumbCaught, are given in txt format to avoid empty cells being presented as zero's which would result from conversion to numeric format). One row in the data presents one harbour porpoise individual. NumbCaught indicates if simultaneously more than 1 individuals has been caught.
Description: This dataset illustrates the numbers of Harbour porpoises in effort sightings around the Baltic Sea, including both historical and recent numbers. The data originates from the ASCOBANS Harbour porpoise database hosted previously by German Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (FTZ). Updates (new sightings and features) to this HELCOM-ASCOBANS database were received from HELCOM Contracting Parties last time during spring 2010. The country EEZ, basin and subbasin where the sighting has been made. Also Country responsible for the reporting and some additional information have been given. Original ID's from the FTZ or national databases have been preserved. One row in the data presents one harbour porpoise individual.
Description: This dataset illustrates the numbers of hunted and/or killed Harbour porpoises around the Baltic Sea, including both historical and recent numbers. The data originates from the ASCOBANS Harbour porpoise database hosted previously by German Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (FTZ). Updates (new sightings and features) to this HELCOM-ASCOBANS database were received from HELCOM Contracting Parties last time during spring 2010. The country EEZ, basin and subbasin where the sighting has been made are given. Also Country responsible for the reporting and some additional information have been given. Original ID's from the FTZ or national databases have been preserved. One row in the data presents one harbour porpoise individuals unless otherwise mentioned in the attribute table.
Description: This dataset illustrates the numbers of incidental Harbour porpoise sightings around the Baltic Sea, including both historical and recent numbers. The data originates from the ASCOBANS Harbour porpoise database hosted previously by German Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (FTZ). Updates (new sightings and features) to this HELCOM-ASCOBANS database were received from HELCOM Contracting Parties last time during fall 2010. Numbers of individuals (sometimes in max/min estimates) and juveniles, and the behaviour or the porpoises are given. Also information on the surrounding boats and the distance from where the sighting has been made are given. The country EEZ, basin and subbasin where the sighting has been made are also given. Also Country responsible for the reporting and some additional information have been given. Original ID's from the FTZ or national databases have been preserved. One row in the data presents one sighting event, and does not directly tell the total numbers of harbour porpoise individuals. The MaxInidividual and MinIndividual columns explain the size of a sighted flock.
Description: This dataset illustrates the numbers of stranded Harbour porpoises around the Baltic Sea, including both historical and recent numbers. The data originates from the ASCOBANS Harbour porpoise database hosted previously by German Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (FTZ). Updates to this HELCOM-ASCOBANS database were received from HELCOM Contracting Parties last time during spring 2010. Length, weight and sex are reported where information is available. The country EEZ, basin and subbasin where the stranding has occured are given. Also Country responsible for the reporting and some additional information have been given. Original ID's from the FTZ or national databases have been preserved. (Note that length & weight are given in txt format to avoid empty cells being presented as zero's which would result from conversion to numeric format). One row in the data presents one harbour porpoise individual unless stated otherwise in the attribute table.
Description: This dataset illustrates the Harbour porpoise sightings for which the sighting type (effort, incidental etc.) around the Baltic Sea are unknown. Data includes only few sightings. The data originates from the ASCOBANS Harbour porpoise database hosted previously by German Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (FTZ). Updates (new sightings and features) to this HELCOM-ASCOBANS database were received from HELCOM Contracting Parties last time during spring 2010. The country EEZ, basin and subbasin where the sighting has been made are given. Also Country responsible for the reporting and some additional information have been given. One row in the data may present more than one individual.
Description: This dataset contains information about stations where HELCOM contracting parties monitor the concentrations of radioactive substance in seawater, sediment, fish, aquatic plants and benthic animals.The Dataset was updated in May 2013 after MORS EG 3 2013 meeting according to modifications done in the MORS guidelines as requested by Sweden.