Baltic Sea Impact Index HOLAS 3 (221)
| High : 108,45 - Low : 2,56 |
Baltic Sea Pressure Index HOLAS 3 (222)
| High : 5,59 - Low : 0,56 |
Potential effect of continuous noise to mobile species HOLAS 3 (223)
| High : 5,3 - Low : 0 |
Potential cumulative impacts of eutrophication and hazardous substances HOLAS3 (224)
| High : 46,6 - Low : 1,9 |
Changes to hydrological conditions HOLAS 2 (5)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Changes to hydrological conditions HOLAS 3 (200)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Disturbance of species due to human presence HOLAS 2 (6)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Disturbance of species due to human presence HOLAS 3 (208)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Extraction of fish - Cod extraction landings HOLAS 2 (7)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Extraction of fish - Cod extraction landings HOLAS 3 (211)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Extraction of fish - Herring extraction landings HOLAS 2 (8)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Extraction of fish - Herring extraction landings HOLAS 3 (210)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Extraction of fish - Sprat extraction landings HOLAS 2 (9)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Extraction of fish - Sprat extraction landings HOLAS 3 (212)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Extraction of mammals - Seal hunting HOLAS 2 (10)
| High : 0,0884538 - Low : 0 |
Extraction of mammals - Seal hunting HOLAS 3 (214)
| High : 0,0884538 - Low : 0 |
Extraction of seabirds - Bird hunting HOLAS 2 (11)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Extraction of seabirds - Bird hunting HOLAS 3 (213)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Input of continuous anthropogenic sound HOLAS 2 (12)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Input of continuous anthropogenic sound HOLAS 3 (201)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Input of hazardous substances HOLAS 2 (13)
| 0 - 0,2 |
| 0,2 - 0,4 |
| 0,4 - 0,6 |
| 0,6 - 0,8 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
Input of hazardous substances HOLAS 3 (204)
| 0.0599999988 - 0.2479999989 |
| 0.247999999 - 0.4359999992 |
| 0.4359999993 - 0.6239999995 |
| 0.6239999996 - 0.8119999997 |
| 0.8119999998 - 1 |
Input of heat HOLAS 2 (14)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Input of heat HOLAS 3 (203)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Input of impulsive anthropogenic sound HOLAS 2 (15)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Input of impulsive anthropogenic sound HOLAS 3 (202)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Introduction of non-indigenous species and translocations HOLAS 2 (16)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Introduction of non-indigenous species and translocations HOLAS 3 (209)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Introduction of radionuclides HOLAS 2 (17)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Introduction of radionuclides HOLAS 3 (206)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Oil slicks and spills HOLAS 2 (18)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Oil slicks and spills HOLAS 3 (207)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Physical disturbance HOLAS 2 (19)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Physical disturbance HOLAS 3 (199)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Physical loss HOLAS 2 (20)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Physical loss HOLAS 3 (198)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Relative distribution of nutrient concentration - Total Nitrogen HOLAS 2 (21)
| 0 - 0,2 |
| 0,2 - 0,4 |
| 0,4 - 0,6 |
| 0,6 - 0,8 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
Relative distribution of nutrient concentration - Total Phosphorus HOLAS 2 (22)
| 0 - 0,2 |
| 0,2 - 0,4 |
| 0,4 - 0,6 |
| 0,6 - 0,8 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
Relative distribution of nutrient concentration - Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus HOLAS 3 (205)
| 0.2762500049 - 0.4210000038 |
| 0.4210000039 - 0.5657500029 |
| 0.565750003 - 0.7105000019 |
| 0.710500002 - 0.855250001 |
| 0.8552500011 - 1 |
Bathing sites HOLAS 2 (24)
Bathing sites HOLAS 3 (147)
Bridges and other constructions HOLAS 2 (25)
Bridges and other constructions HOLAS 3 (149)
Cables HOLAS 2 (26)
Cables HOLAS3 (148)
Coastal defense HOLAS 2 (27)
Coastal defense points HOLAS 3 (151)
Coastal defense lines HOLAS 3 (150)
Coastal defense areas HOLAS 3 (152)
Deposit of dredged material sites points 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (28)
Deposit of dredged material sites points 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (192)
Deposit of dredged material sites lines 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (191)
Deposit of dredged material sites areas 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (29)
Deposit of dredged material sites areas 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (190)
Discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants HOLAS 2 (30)
| 0,0 |
| 0,1 - 15,8 |
| 15,9 - 24,6 |
| 24,7 - 27,4 |
| 27,5 - 51,4 |
Discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants HOLAS 3 (153)
| 0.000000 |
| 0.000001 - 15.620000 |
| 15.620001 - 19.999794 |
| 19.999795 - 26.350000 |
| 26.350001 - 48.801462 |
Discharges of radioactive substances from NPPs HOLAS 2 (31)
Discharges of radioactive substances from NPPs HOLAS 3 (154)
Dredging points 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (33)
Dredging points 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (195)
Dredging lines 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (194)
Dredging areas 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (32)
Dredging areas 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (193)
Extraction of sand and gravel 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (34)
Extraction of sand and gravel 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (155)
Finfish mariculture HOLAS 2 (35)
Finfish mariculture HOLAS 3 (156)
Fish extraction commercial fisheries - cod HOLAS 2 (36)
| 0 |
| 1 - 176 |
| 177 - 426 |
| 427 - 788 |
| 789 - 1,459 |
| 1,460 - 2,384 |
| 2,385 - 5,517 |
| 5,518 - 8,483 |
Fish extraction commercial fisheries - cod HOLAS 3 (157)
| 0 |
| 1 - 109 |
| 110 - 250 |
| 251 - 587 |
| 588 - 873 |
| 874 - 1154 |
| 1155 - 2846 |
Fish extraction commercial fisheries - herring HOLAS 2 (37)
| 0 |
| 1 - 176 |
| 177 - 426 |
| 427 - 788 |
| 789 - 1,459 |
| 1,460 - 2,384 |
| 2,385 - 5,517 |
| 5,518 - 8,483 |
Fish extraction commercial fisheries - herring HOLAS 3 (158)
| 0 |
| 1 - 256 |
| 257 - 1305 |
| 1306 - 2667 |
| 2668 - 3997 |
| 3998 - 5322 |
| 5323 - 7895 |
| 7896 - 13171 |
Fish extraction commercial fisheries - sprat HOLAS 2 (38)
| 0 |
| 1 - 441 |
| 442 - 1,017 |
| 1,018 - 1,893 |
| 1,894 - 3,321 |
| 3,322 - 5,349 |
| 5,350 - 8,107 |
| 8,108 - 13,576 |
Fish extraction commercial fisheries - sprat HOLAS 3 (159)
| 0 |
| 1 - 441 |
| 442 - 1017 |
| 1018 - 1893 |
| 1894 - 3321 |
| 3322 - 5349 |
| 5350 - 8107 |
| 8108 - 18705 |
Fishing intensity 2011-2016 average subsurface swept area ratio (39)
| High : 3,15936 - Low : 0 |
Fossil fuel energy production HOLAS 2 (40)
Fossil fuel energy production HOLAS 3 (161)
Furcellaria harvesting HOLAS 2 (41)
Furcellaria harvesting HOLAS 3 (162)
Game hunting of seabirds HOLAS 2 (42)
| 0 - 316 |
| 317 - 950 |
| 951 - 1,720 |
| 1,721 - 2,773 |
| 2,774 - 14,675 |
Game hunting of seabirds HOLAS 3 (182)
| 0 - 316 |
| 317 - 950 |
| 951 - 1,720 |
| 1,721 - 2,773 |
| 2,774 - 14,675 |
Harbours HOLAS 2 (43)
Harbours points HOLAS 3 (164)
Harbours areas HOLAS 3 (163)
Hunting of seals - Grey seal HOLAS 2 (44)
| 0 |
| 1 - 15 |
| 16 - 30 |
| 31 - 55 |
| 56 - 106 |
Hunting of seals - Grey seal HOLAS 3 (186)
| 0 |
| 1 - 15 |
| 16 - 30 |
| 31 - 55 |
| 56 - 173 |
Hunting of seals - Harbour seal HOLAS 2 (45)
Hunting of seals - Harbour seal HOLAS 3 (187)
| 0 |
| 1 - 5 |
| 6 - 22 |
| 23 - 57 |
| 58 - 171 |
Hunting of seals - Ringed seal HOLAS 2 (46)
Hunting of seals - Ringed seal HOLAS 3 (188)
| 0 |
| 1 - 3 |
| 4 - 22 |
| 23 - 57 |
| 58 - 160 |
Hydropower dams HOLAS 2 (47)
Hydropower dams HOLAS 3 (165)
Illegal oil discharges HOLAS 2 (48)
| 0,00 - 0,18 |
| 0,19 - 0,68 |
| 0,69 - 1,68 |
| 1,69 - 4,72 |
| 4,73 - 16,18 |
Illegal oil discharges HOLAS 3 (215)
| 0.00 - 0.14 |
| 0.15 - 0.48 |
| 0.49 - 0.90 |
| 0.91 - 1.80 |
| 1.81 - 9.10 |
Land claim HOLAS 2 (49)
Land claim points HOLAS 3 (171)
Land claim lines HOLAS 3 (170)
Land claim areas HOLAS 3 (172)
Marinas and leisure harbours HOLAS 3 (160)
Mussel and scallop dredging (50)
| 0 |
| 1 - 700000 |
| 700001 - 1350000 |
| 1350001 - 3000000 |
| 3000001 - 5000000 |
Oil and Gas Refineries HOLAS 2 (51)
Oil and Gas Refineries HOLAS 3 (173)
Oil terminals HOLAS 2 (53)
| 0,0 - 1,8 |
| 1,9 - 5,4 |
| 5,5 - 10,6 |
| 10,7 - 18,4 |
| 18,5 - 71,2 |
Oil platforms HOLAS 2 (184)
Oil platforms HOLAS 3 (183)
Pipelines HOLAS 2 (54)
| Operational |
Pipelines HOLAS 3 (175)
| Operational |
Pipelines area HOLAS 3 (176)
Polluting ship accidents HOLAS 2 (55)
| 0,00 - 0,15 |
| 0,16 - 0,40 |
| 0,41 - 1,00 |
| 1,01 - 40,00 |
| 40,01 - 400,00 |
Polluting ship accidents HOLAS 3 (216)
| 0,00 - 0,15 |
| 0,16 - 0,40 |
| 0,41 - 1,00 |
| 1,01 - 40,00 |
| 40,01 - 400,00 |
Predator control of seabirds HOLAS 2 (56)
| 0 - 23 |
| 24 - 108 |
| 109 - 387 |
| 388 - 967 |
| 968 - 1912 |
Predator control of seabirds HOLAS 3 (185)
| 0 - 23 |
| 24 - 108 |
| 109 - 387 |
| 388 - 967 |
| 968 - 1912 |
Recreational boating (57)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Recreational fishing (58)
| 0,0 - 22,5 |
| 22,6 - 139,0 |
| 139,1 - 389,0 |
| 389,1 - 1236,0 |
| 1236,1 - 2834,4 |
Shellfish mariculture areas HOLAS 2 (59)
Shellfish mariculture points HOLAS 2 (60)
Shellfish mariculture points HOLAS 3 (167)
Shipping density 2011-2015 HOLAS 2 (61)
| High : 160829 - Low : 0 |
Shipping density 2016-2020 HOLAS 3 (217)
| High: 34233 - Low: 0 |
Urban land use HOLAS 2 (62)
Urban land use HOLAS 3 (166)
Watercourse modification HOLAS 2 (63)
Watercourse modification points HOLAS 3 (180)
Watercourse modification lines HOLAS 3 (189)
Watercourse modification area HOLAS 3 (179)
Wind farms HOLAS 2 (64)
| Generating power |
| Under construction |
| Transformer |
Wind farms HOLAS 3 (178)
| Generating power |
| Other |
Baltic Sea Impact Index BSII (1)
| High : 78,7107 - Low : 2,15917 |
Baltic Sea Pressure Index BSPI (2)
| High : 6,58146 - Low : 0,497566 |
Potential cumulative impacts on benthic habitats (3)
| High : 14,144 - Low : -7,41227e-015 |
Specific load of Nitrogen (70)
| No data |
| less than 110,00 kg/km² |
| 110,01 - 250,00 kg/km² |
| 250,01 - 500,00 kg/km² |
| 500,01 - 1000,00 kg/km² |
| 1000,01 - 1500,00 kg/km² |
| 1500,01 - 2000,00 kg/km² |
| more than 2000,01 kg/km² |
Background load of Nitrogen (71)
| No data |
| less than 110,00 kg/km² |
| 110,01 - 250,00 kg/km² |
| 250,01 - 500,00 kg/km² |
| 500,01 - 1000,00 kg/km² |
| 1000,01 - 1500,00 kg/km² |
| 1500,01 - 2000,00 kg/km² |
| more than 2000,01 kg/km² |
Diffuse load of Nitrogen (72)
| No data |
| less than 110,00 kg/km² |
| 110,01 - 250,00 kg/km² |
| 250,01 - 500,00 kg/km² |
| 500,01 - 1000,00 kg/km² |
| 1000,01 - 1500,00 kg/km² |
| 1500,01 - 2000,00 kg/km² |
| more than 2000,01 kg/km² |
Agricultural load of Nitrogen (73)
| No data |
| less than 110,00 kg/km² |
| 110,01 - 250,00 kg/km² |
| 250,01 - 500,00 kg/km² |
| 500,01 - 1000,00 kg/km² |
| 1000,01 - 1500,00 kg/km² |
| 1500,01 - 2000,00 kg/km² |
| more than 2000,01 kg/km² |
Retention of Nitrogen in percent (74)
| No data |
| < 10,0 |
| 10,1 - 25,0 |
| 25,1 - 45,0 |
| 45,1 - 60,0 |
| 60,1 < |
Specific load of Phosphorus (76)
| No data |
| less than 5,00 kg/km² |
| 5,01 - 10,00 kg/km² |
| 10,01 - 20,00 kg/km² |
| 20,01 - 40,00 kg/km² |
| 40,01 - 80,00 kg/km² |
| more than 80,01 kg/km² |
Background load of Phosphorus (77)
| No data |
| less than 5,00 kg/km² |
| 5,01 - 10,00 kg/km² |
| 10,01 - 20,00 kg/km² |
| 20,01 - 40,00 kg/km² |
| 40,01 - 80,00 kg/km² |
| more than 80,01 kg/km² |
Diffuse load of Phosphorus (78)
| No data |
| less than 5,00 kg/km² |
| 5,01 - 10,00 kg/km² |
| 10,01 - 20,00 kg/km² |
| 20,01 - 40,00 kg/km² |
| 40,01 - 80,00 kg/km² |
| more than 80,01 kg/km² |
Agricultural load of Phosphorus (79)
| No data |
| less than 5,00 kg/km² |
| 5,01 - 10,00 kg/km² |
| 10,01 - 20,00 kg/km² |
| 20,01 - 40,00 kg/km² |
| 40,01 - 80,00 kg/km² |
| more than 80,01 kg/km² |
Retention of Phosphorus in percent (80)
| No data |
| < 10,0 |
| 10,1 - 25,0 |
| 25,1 - 45,0 |
| 45,1 - 60,0 |
| 60,1 < |
Direct Nitrogen load from Industry (83)
| 0,1 - 10 t/a |
| 20 - 30 t/a |
| 40 - 70 t/a |
| 80 - 100 t/a |
| 127 - 210 t/a |
Direct municipal nitrogen load (84)
| 0 - 66 t/a |
| 67 - 257 t/a |
| 258 - 720 t/a |
| 721 - 1450 t/a |
| 1451 - 3250 t/a |
Direct nitrogen load from aquaculture (85)
| 0,03 - 4,53 t/a |
| 4,54 - 10,67 t/a |
| 10,68 - 20,99 t/a |
| 21,00 - 38,73 t/a |
| 38,74 - 90,20 t/a |
Direct Phosphorus load from Industry (87)
| 0 - 2 t/a |
| 3 - 6 t/a |
| 7 - 12 t/a |
| 13 - 19 t/a |
| 20 - 30 t/a |
Direct municipal phosphorus load (88)
| 0 - 5 t/a |
| 6 - 16 t/a |
| 17 - 38 t/a |
| 39 - 94 t/a |
| 95 - 239 t/a |
Direct phosphorus load from aquaculture (89)
| 0,01 - 0,47 t/a |
| 0,48 - 1,11 t/a |
| 1,12 - 2,16 t/a |
| 2,17 - 3,81 t/a |
| 3,82 - 9,60 t/a |
Top 40 rivers with highest nitrogen concentrations (92)
| less than 85.00 |
| 85.01 - 135.00 |
| 135.01 - 215.00 |
| 215.01 - 315.00 |
| more than 315.00 |
Top 40 rivers by annual total nitrogen loads (93)
| less than 5000 t/a |
| 5001 - 10000 t/a |
| 10001 - 15000 t/a |
| 15001 - 40000 t/a |
| more than 40000 t/a |
Top 40 rivers with highest phosphorus concentrations (95)
| less than 5.00 |
| 5.01 - 6.00 |
| 6.01 - 8.00 |
| 8.01 - 10.00 |
| more than 10.00 |
Top 40 rivers by annual total phosphorus loads (96)
| less than 134 t/a |
| 135 - 403 t/a |
| 404 - 1150 t/a |
| 1151 - 2456 t/a |
| more than 2457 t/a |
Data coverage of Mercury (100)
| No data |
| Reported data |
Data coverage of Cadmium (101)
| No data |
| Reported data |
Data coverage of Lead (102)
| No data |
| Reported data |
Availability of data on industrial input of Mercury (105)
| Reported data |
Availability of data on industrial input of Cadmium (106)
| Reported data |
Availability of data on industrial input of Lead (107)
| Reported data |
Availability of data on municipal input of Mercury (108)
| Reported data |
Availability of data on municipal input of Cadmium (109)
| Reported data |
Availability of data on municipal input of Lead (110)
| Reported data |
Industrial Mercury load (112)
| < 0.00005 t/a |
| 0.00005 - 0.00010 t/a |
| 0.00011 - 0.00100 t/a |
| 0.00101 - 0.00500 t/a |
| 0.00501 - 0.02000 t/a |
Industrial Cadmium load (113)
| < 0.0002 t/a |
| 0.0002 - 0.0020 t/a |
| 0.0021 - 0.0080 t/a |
| 0.0081 - 0.0160 t/a |
| 0.0161 - 0.0240 t/a |
Industrial Lead load (114)
| < 0.0005 t/a |
| 0.0006 - 0.0050 t/a |
| 0.0051 - 0.0100 t/a |
| 0.0101 - 0.0500 t/a |
| 0.0501 - 0.1167 t/a |
Municipal Mercury load (116)
| < 0.00005 t/a |
| 0.00005 - 0.00010 t/a |
| 0.00011 - 0.00100 t/a |
| 0.00101 - 0.00500 t/a |
| 0.00501 - 0.02000 t/a |
Municipal Cadmium load (117)
| < 0.0002 t/a |
| 0.0002 - 0.0020 t/a |
| 0.0021 - 0.0080 t/a |
| 0.0081 - 0.0160 t/a |
| 0.0161 - 0.0240 t/a |
Municipal Lead load (118)
| < 0.0005 t/a |
| 0.0006 - 0.0050 t/a |
| 0.0051 - 0.0100 t/a |
| 0.0101 - 0.0500 t/a |
| 0.0501 - 0.1167 t/a |
HELCOM hotspots (119)
| Agriculture, active |
| Agriculture, deleted |
| Coastal programme, active |
| Coastal programme, deleted |
| Industry, active |
| Industry, deleted |
| Municipality, active |
| Municipality, deleted |
BALTHAZAR Farms (122)
| High risk |
| Medium risk |
| Low risk |
BALTHAZAR Farms screening results N (123)
| 0,620 - 1,360 |
| 1,360 - 2,700 |
| 2,700 - 4,255 |
| 4,255 - 6,782 |
| 6,782 - 15,835 |
BALTHAZAR Farms screening results P (124)
| < d.l. - 0,049 |
| 0,049 - 0,120 |
| 0,120 - 0,360 |
| 0,360 - 0,852 |
| 0,852 - 2,300 |
BALTHAZAR Landfills (125)
| Dump |
| Dumping area |
| Has recieved industrial waste of hazard class III |
| Illegal landfill |
| Industrial waste landfill |
| Landfill |
| MSW landfill |
BALTHAZAR Landfills screening results (126)
| 0,14 - 0,64 [PCB, ng/l] |
| 0,64 - 3,7 [PCB, ng/l] |
| 3,7 - 6,3 [PCB, ng/l] |
| 6,3 - 19,0 [PCB, ng/l] |
| 19,0 - 123 [PCB, ng/l] |
BASE data collection N concentrations (128)
| 0,47 - 1,22 mg/l |
| 1,22 - 2,27 mg/l |
| 2,27 - 3,76 mg/l |
| 3,76 - 6,26 mg/l |
| 6,26 - 40,0 mg/l |
BASE data collection P concentrations (129)
| 0,009 - 0,117 mg/l |
| 0,117 - 0,282 mg/l |
| 0,282 - 0,555 mg/l |
| 0,555 - 1,707 mg/l |
| 1,707 - 6,501 mg/l |
BASE data collection discharges (130)
| -1,39 - 107,39 m3/s |
| 107,39 - 445 m3/s |
| 445 - 1400 m3/s |
| 1400 - 2340 m3/s |
| 2340 - 3770 m3/s |
Total normalized annual average input of nitrogen in 2016 (131)
| Maximum allowable nutrient input fulfilled |
| MAI fulfilment is not determined due to statistical uncertainty |
| Maximum allowable nutrient input not fulfilled |
Total normalized annual average input of phosphorus in 2016 (132)
| Maximum allowable nutrient input fulfilled |
| MAI fulfilment is not determined due to statistical uncertainty |
| Maximum allowable nutrient input not fulfilled |
Pharmaceuticals in biota (134)
| Cardiovascular Agent - antiarrhythmics - Not detect |
| Metabolic Agent - Lipid regulator - Detected |
| Metabolic Agent - Lipid regulator - Not detect |
| Analgesics - Detected |
| Analgesics - Not detect |
| Anti-inflammatory - Not detect |
| Anti-inflammatory and analgesics - Detected |
| Anti-inflammatory and analgesics - Not detect |
| Anticoagulant - Detected |
| Anticoagulant - Not detect |
| Antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs - Detected |
| Antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs - Not detect |
| Antihistamine - Detected |
| Antihistamine - Not detect |
| Antimicrobial (incl. antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, disinfectant, antiseptic) - Detected |
| Antimicrobial (incl. antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, disinfectant, antiseptic) - Not detect |
| Cardiac and blood pressure medicine and diuretics - Detected |
| Cardiac and blood pressure medicine and diuretics - Not detect |
| Central Nervous System Agent - Detected |
| Central Nervous System Agent - Not detect |
| Central Nervous System Agent - Antiparkinson agent - Detected |
| Central Nervous System Agent - Antiparkinson agent - Not detect |
| Central Nervous System Agent - Anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic - Detected |
| Central Nervous System Agent - Anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic - Not detect |
| Central Nervous System Agent - Muscle Relaxant - Detected |
| Central Nervous System Agent - Muscle Relaxant - Not detect |
| Central Nervous System Agent -Antimigraine agent - Detected |
| Central Nervous System Agent -Antimigraine agent - Not detect |
| Central Nervous System Agent -Antiparkinson agent - Detected |
| Central Nervous System Agent -Antiparkinson agent - Not detect |
| Dermatological Agent - Not detect |
| Gastrointestinal Agent - H2 Antagonists - Detected |
| Gastrointestinal Agent - H2 Antagonists - Not detect |
| Gastrointestinal Agent - antispasmodics - Detected |
| Gastrointestinal Agent - antispasmodics - Not detect |
| Gastrointestinal Agents - Antidiarrhea - Detected |
| Gastrointestinal Agents - Antidiarrhea - Not detect |
| Hormones and hormone antagonists - Detected |
| Hormones and hormone antagonists - Not detect |
| Metabolic Agent - Antidiabetic Agent - Not detect |
| Metabolit -Mother subastance Flunitrazepam (benzodiazepine) - Not detect |
| Metabolit -Mother subastance Proxyphene (Analgesics) - Not detect |
| Metabolite - Mother substance Fentanyl - Not detect |
| Metabolite - Mother substance Zipiclone - Not detect |
| Psychotherapeutic Agent - Detected |
| Psychotherapeutic Agent - Not detect |
Pharmaceuticals in sediment (135)
| Analgesics - Detected |
| Anti-inflammatory - Not detected |
| Anti-inflammatory and analgesics - Detected |
| Anti-inflammatory and analgesics - Not detected |
| Antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs - Not detected |
| Antimicrobial (incl. antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, disinfectant, antiseptic) - Detected |
| Antimicrobial (incl. antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, disinfectant, antiseptic) - Not detected |
| Cardiac and blood pressure medicine and diuretics - Not detected |
| Dermatological Agent - Detected |
| Hormones and hormone antagonists - Not detected |
Pharmaceuticals in water (136)
| Cardiovascular Agent - antiarrhythmics - Detected |
| Cardiovascular Agent - antiarrhythmics - Not detected |
| Metabolic Agent - Lipid regulator - Detected |
| Metabolic Agent - Lipid regulator - Not detected |
| Analgesics - Detected |
| Analgesics - Not detected |
| Anthracenediones - laxatives, antimalarias, chemoterapy - Not detected |
| Anti-inflammatory - Not detected |
| Anti-inflammatory and analgesics - Detected |
| Anti-inflammatory and analgesics - Not detected |
| Anticoagulant - Detected |
| Antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs - Detected |
| Antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs - Not detected |
| Antidote - Not detected |
| Antihistamine - Not detected |
| Antimicrobial (incl. antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, disinfectant, antiseptic) - Detected |
| Antimicrobial (incl. antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, disinfectant, antiseptic) - Not detected |
| Cardiac and blood pressure medicine and diuretics - Detected |
| Cardiac and blood pressure medicine and diuretics - Not detected |
| Central Nervous System Agent - Anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic - Not detected |
| Central Nervous System Agent - Muscle Relaxant - Not detected |
| Central Nervous System Agent - Not detected |
| Central Nervous System Agent -Antimigraine agent - Not detected |
| Central Nervous System Agent -Antiparkinson agent - Not detected |
| Chemotherapeutic Agent - Not detected |
| Dermatological Agent - Detected |
| Dermatological Agent - Not detected |
| Gastrointestinal Agent - H2 Antagonists - Not detected |
| Gastrointestinal Agent - antispasmodics - Not detected |
| Gastrointestinal Agents - Antidiarrhea - Not detected |
| Hormones and hormone antagonists - Detected |
| Hormones and hormone antagonists - Not detected |
| Metabolic Agent - Antidiabetic Agent - Not detected |
| Psychotherapeutic Agent - Not detected |
| Veterinary; Parasite and fungal control - Not detected |
| X-ray contrast media - Detected |
| X-ray contrast media - Not detected |
Beach litter on monitored sites plastic pieces/100m (138)
| 2 - 36 |
| 37 - 80 |
| 81 - 137 |
| 138 - 346 |
| 347 - 1142 |
Reported encounters with chemical warfare materials 1961 to 2012 (140)
Hazardous wrecks in the Baltic Sea (219)
| < 30 meters |
| 30 - 50 meters |
| 50 - 100 meters |
| 100 - 227 meters |
| Wreck with unkown lenght |
Emergency relocation areas for netted sea dumped chemical warfare material (141)
Chemical weapons dumpsites in the Baltic Sea (142)
Chemical munition transport routes to dumpsites (143)
| Designated transport route |
| Suspected alternative transport route |
Suspected en route dumping areas (144)
Areas where sea dumped chemical warfare materials have been encountered (145)
Dumping Areas (218)
| Conventional |
| Data from German territorial waters and EEZ withheld |
BOSB map of the risks of encounter remaining WW1 & WW2 sea-mines on the seabed (146)
| High : 7 - Low : 1 |