Charophyte distribution 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (2)
| Absent |
| Present |
Charophyte distribution 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (126)
| Absent |
| Present |
Fucus distribution 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (3)
| Absent |
| Present |
Fucus distribution 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (127)
| Absent |
| Present |
Furcellaria lumbricalis distribution 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (4)
| Absent |
| Present |
Furcellaria lumbricalis distribution 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (128)
| Absent |
| Present |
Mytilus distribution 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (5)
| Absent |
| Present |
Mytilus distribution 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (129)
| Absent |
| Present |
Zostera marina distribution 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (6)
| Absent |
| Present |
Zostera marina distribution 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (130)
| Absent |
| Present |
Potamogeton distribution 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (131)
| Absent |
| Present |
Myriophyllum distribution 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (132)
| Absent |
| Present |
Najas marina distribution 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (133)
| Absent |
| Present |
Fontinalis distribution 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (134)
| Absent |
| Present |
Callitriche distribution 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (135)
| Absent |
| Present |
Zanichellia distribution 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (136)
| Absent |
| Present |
Breeding areas for birds HOLAS 2 (8)
| Absent |
| Present |
Breeding areas for birds HOLAS 3 (138)
| Absent |
| Present |
Wintering areas for birds HOLAS 2 (9)
| Absent |
| Present |
Wintering areas for birds HOLAS 3 (137)
| Absent |
| Present |
Infralittoral hard substrate 2016 HOLAS 2 (15)
| Absent |
| Present |
Infralittoral coarse sediment 2021 HOLAS 3 (141)
| Absent |
| Present |
Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef 2021 HOLAS 3 (145)
| Absent |
| Present |
Infralittoral mixed substrate 2016 HOLAS 2 (16)
| Absent |
| Present |
Infralittoral mixed sediment 2021 HOLAS 3 (142)
| Absent |
| Present |
Infralittoral mud 2016 HOLAS 2 (17)
| Absent |
| Present |
Infralittoral mud 2021 HOLAS 3 (143)
| Absent |
| Present |
Infralittoral sand 2016 HOLAS 2 (18)
| Absent |
| Present |
Infralittoral sand 2021 HOLAS 3 (146)
| Absent |
| Present |
Infralittoral mud or Infralittoral sand 2021 HOLAS 3 (144)
| Absent |
| Present |
Circalittoral hard substrate 2016 HOLAS 2 (11)
| Absent |
| Present |
Circalittoral coarse sediment 2021 HOLAS 3 (147)
| Absent |
| Present |
Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef 2021 HOLAS 3 (151)
| Absent |
| Present |
Circalittoral mixed substrate 2016 HOLAS 2 (12)
| Absent |
| Present |
Circalittoral mixed sediment 2021 HOLAS 3 (148)
| Absent |
| Present |
Circalittoral mud 2016 HOLAS 2 (13)
| Absent |
| Present |
Circalittoral mud 2021 HOLAS 3 (149)
| Absent |
| Present |
Circalittoral sand 2016 HOLAS 2 (14)
| Absent |
| Present |
Circalittoral sand 2021 HOLAS 3 (152)
| Absent |
| Present |
Circalittoral mud or Circalittoral sand 2021 HOLAS 3 (150)
| Absent |
| Present |
Offshore circalittoral coarse sediment 2021 HOLAS 3 (153)
| Absent |
| Present |
Offshore circalittoral rock and biogenic reef 2021 HOLAS 3 (157)
| Absent |
| Present |
Offshore circalittoral mixed sediment 2021 HOLAS 3 (154)
| Absent |
| Present |
Offshore circalittoral mud 2021 HOLAS 3 (155)
| Absent |
| Present |
Offshore circalittoral sand 2021 HOLAS 3 (158)
| Absent |
| Present |
Offshore circalittoral mud or Offshore circalittoral sand 2021 HOLAS 3 (156)
| Absent |
| Present |
Cod abundance HOLAS 2 (20)
| 0 |
| 0,1 - 0,1 |
| 0,2 - 0,3 |
| 0,4 - 0,5 |
| 0,6 - 0,7 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
Cod abundance HOLAS 3 (123)
| 0 |
| 0,1 - 0,1 |
| 0,2 - 0,3 |
| 0,4 - 0,5 |
| 0,6 - 0,7 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
Herring abundance HOLAS 2 (22)
| 0 |
| 0,1 - 0,1 |
| 0,2 - 0,3 |
| 0,4 - 0,5 |
| 0,6 - 0,7 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
Herring abundance HOLAS 3 (124)
| 0 |
| 0,1 - 0,1 |
| 0,2 - 0,3 |
| 0,4 - 0,5 |
| 0,6 - 0,7 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
Sprat abundance HOLAS 2 (25)
| 0 |
| 0,1 - 0,1 |
| 0,2 - 0,3 |
| 0,4 - 0,5 |
| 0,6 - 0,7 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
Sprat abundance HOLAS 3 (125)
| 0 |
| 0,1 - 0,1 |
| 0,2 - 0,3 |
| 0,4 - 0,5 |
| 0,6 - 0,7 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
Harbour porpoise distribution HOLAS 2 (28)
| Rare occurence |
| Rare occurence, no regular reproduction |
| Regular occurence, no regular reproduction |
| Common occurence and reproduction |
Harbour porpoise No/Limited data HOLAS 3 (139)
Harbour porpoise importance map HOLAS 3 (117)
Grey seal distribution HOLAS 2 (27)
| Rare occurence, no regular reproduction |
| Regular occurence, no regular reproduction |
| Common occurence and reproduction |
Grey seal distribution HOLAS 3 (119)
| Very rare or no occurrence |
| Rare occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Regular occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Common occurrence and reproduction |
Harbour seal distribution HOLAS 2 (29)
| Very rare or no occurence |
| Rare occurence, no regular reproduction |
| Regular occurence, no regular reproduction |
| Common occurence and reproduction |
Harbour seal distribution HOLAS 3 (118)
| Very rare or no occurrence |
| Rare occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Regular occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Common occurrence and reproduction |
Ringed seal distribution HOLAS 2 (30)
| Very rare or no occurence |
| Rare occurence, no regular reproduction |
| Regular occurence, no regular reproduction |
| Common occurence and reproduction |
Ringed seal distribution HOLAS 3 (120)
| Very rare or no occurrence |
| Rare occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Regular occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Common occurrence and reproduction |
Sandbanks 1110 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (32)
| Absent |
| Present |
Sandbanks 1110 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (159)
| Absent |
| Present |
Estuaries 1130 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (33)
| Absent |
| Present |
Estuaries 1130 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (160)
| Absent |
| Present |
Mudflats and sandflats 1140 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (34)
| Absent |
| Present |
Mudflats and sandflats 1140 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (161)
| Absent |
| Present |
Coastal lagoons 1150 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (35)
| Absent |
| Present |
Coastal lagoons 1150 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (162)
| Absent |
| Present |
Large shallow inlets and bays 1160 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (36)
| Absent |
| Present |
Large shallow inlets and bays 1160 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (163)
| Absent |
| Present |
Reefs 1170 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (37)
| Absent |
| Present |
Reefs 1170 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (164)
| Absent |
| Present |
Baltic Esker islands 1610 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (38)
| Absent |
| Present |
Baltic Esker islands 1610 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (165)
| Absent |
| Present |
Submarine structures made by leaking gas 1180 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (39)
| Absent |
| Present |
Submarine structures made by leaking gas 1180 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (166)
| Absent |
| Present |
Boreal Baltic islets and small islands 1620 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (40)
| Absent |
| Present |
Boreal Baltic islets and small islands 1620 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (167)
| Absent |
| Present |
Productive surface waters Chl-a 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (42)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Productive surface waters Chl-a 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (169)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
Availability of deep water habitat, based on occurrence of H2S 2011-2016 HOLAS 2 (43)
| 0 - 0,2 |
| 0,2 - 0,4 |
| 0,4 - 0,6 |
| 0,6 - 0,8 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
Bottom habitats not influenced by permanent anoxia 2016-2021 HOLAS 3 (140)
| 0.001 - 0.204 |
| 0.205 - 0.380 |
| 0.381 - 0.62 |
| 0.621 - 0.999 |
| 1 |
Aggregated ecosystem service potential map (170)
| 1 - 0 |
Carbon assimilation by Eelgrass (171)
| 334.07 - 0 |
Carbon assimilation by Fucus spp (176)
| 23.7459 - 0 |
Carbon sequestration by Eelgrass (172)
| 0.351967 - 0 |
Carbon sequestration by soft-bottom sediments (173)
| 25 - 0 |
Carbon storage by Eelgrass (174)
| 1564.89 - 0 |
Carbon storage by Fucus (175)
| 4.885 - 0 |
Denitrification by soft-bottom sediments (177)
| 2.51 - 0 |
Nitrogen assimilation by Eelgrass (178)
| 23.1993 - 0 |
Nitrogen assimilation by Fucus (181)
| 1.30033 - 0 |
Nitrogen burial by soft-bottom sediments (179)
| 3.29927 - 0 |
Nitrogen storage by Eelgrass (180)
| 108.692 - 0 |
Nitrogen storage by Fucus Spp (182)
| 0.270009 - 0 |
Phosphorus assimilation by Eeelgrass (183)
| 2.31993 - 0 |
Phosphorus assimilation by Fucus (185)
| 0.0900001 - 0 |
Phosphorus storage by Fucus Spp (187)
| 0.0185 - 0 |
Phosphorus storage by Eelgrass (186)
| 10.8692 - 0 |
Phosphorus burial in soft-bottom sediments (184)
| 2.20644 - 0 |
Potential spawning areas for cod PBS EFH (45)
| No spawning (0) |
| Potential spawning areas (0,5) |
| High probability spawning areas (1) |
Potential spawning areas for Baltic flounder PBS EFH (46)
| No spawning (0) |
| Potential spawning areas (0,5) |
| High probability spawning areas (1) |
Potential spawning areas for European flounder PBS EFH (47)
| No spawning (0) |
| Potential spawning areas (0,5) |
| High probability spawning areas (1) |
Potential nursery areas for flounder PBS EFH (48)
| Data not available |
| No nursery (0) |
| Potential nursery areas (0,5) |
| High probability nursery areas (1) |
Potential spawning areas for herring PBS EFH (49)
| No spawning (0) |
| Potential spawning areas (0,5) |
| High probability spawning areas (1) |
Potential spawning areas for sprat PBS EFH (50)
| No spawning (0) |
| Potential spawning areas (0,5) |
| High probability spawning areas (1) |
Potential recruitment areas for perch PBS EFH (51)
| Potential recruitment areas (1) |
| No recruitment (0) |
Potential recruitment areas for pikeperch PBS EFH (52)
| Potential recruitment areas (1) |
| No recruitment (0) |
| Designated and managed |
| Designated and partly managed |
| Designated |
Natura 2000 sites (55)
Baltic Sea EBSAs (56)
Baltic Sea fisheries closure (57)
Cod fisheries closures (58)
Ramsar sites (59)
UNESCO sites (60)
| Biosphere reserve |
| World heritage sites, cultural |
| World heritage sites, natural |
Sea Surface Salinity Winter 2011 (81)
| 8.86263 - 2.28758 |
Sea Surface Salinity Spring 2011 (83)
| 8.16399 - 2.44116 |
Sea Surface Salinity Summer 2011 (82)
| 7.3373 - 0.908501 |
Sea Surface Salinity Autumn 2011 (84)
| 7.87683 - 0.986029 |
Sea Surface Salinity Winter2012 (85)
| 9.88397 - 2.20946 |
Sea Surface Salinity Spring 2012 (87)
| 8.88203 - 1.98379 |
Sea Surface Salinity Summer 2012 (86)
| 7.67962 - 1.29953 |
Sea Surface Salinity Autumn 2012 (88)
| 7.83714 - 1.91297 |
Sea Surface Salinity Winter 2013 (89)
| 8.23262 - 2.16629 |
Sea Surface Salinity Spring 2013 (91)
| 7.78818 - 0.455995 |
Sea Surface Salinity Summer 2013 (90)
| 7.47897 - 0.295115 |
Sea Surface Salinity Autumn 2013 (92)
| 8.0055 - 0.398053 |
Sea Surface Salinity Winter 2014 (93)
| 8.82743 - 2.00129 |
Sea Surface Salinity Spring 2014 (95)
| 8.93561 - 0.921367 |
Sea Surface Salinity Summer 2014 (94)
| 7.92156 - 0.442082 |
Sea Surface Salinity Autumn 2014 (96)
| 8.0154 - 0.74963 |
Sea Surface Salinity Winter 2015 (97)
| 9.45575 - 1.70809 |
Sea Surface Salinity Spring 2015 (99)
| 8.33846 - 0.916911 |
Sea Surface Salinity Autumn 2015 (100)
| 8.36371 - 0.706375 |
Sea Surface Salinity Summer 2015 (98)
| 7.73548 - 0.839302 |
Sea Surface Salinity Winter 2016 (101)
| 8.59657 - 0.876537 |
Sea Surface Salinity Spring 2016 (103)
| 8.34 - 0.187716 |
Sea Surface Salinity Autumn 2016 (104)
| 8.18707 - 0.511336 |
Sea Surface Salinity Summer 2016 (102)
| 8.03859 - 0.419408 |
Sea Surface Salinity Winter 2017 (105)
| 8.42955 - 2.13876 |
Sea Surface Salinity Spring 2017 (107)
| 8.14717 - 2.08131 |
Sea Surface Salinity Autumn 2017 (108)
| 8.1107 - 0.585025 |
Sea Surface Salinity Summer 2017 (106)
| 7.66126 - 0.59355 |
Sea Surface Salinity Winter 2018 (109)
| 8.54058 - 2.1583 |
Sea Surface Salinity Spring 2018 (111)
| 8.20182 - 1.31163 |
Sea Surface Salinity Summer 2018 (110)
| 8.00734 - 0.748559 |
Sea Surface Salinity Autumn 2018 (112)
| 8.77317 - 0.0224635 |
Sea Surface Salinity Winter 2019 (113)
| 8.15167 - 2.16026 |
Sea Surface Salinity Spring 2019 (115)
| 8.98399 - 0.763529 |
Sea Surface Salinity Summer 2019 (114)
| 7.91055 - 0.448713 |
Sea Surface Salinity Autumn 2019 (116)
| 7.8899 - 0.516707 |
Benthic marine landscapes BALANCE (62)
| Photic bedrock <5psu |
| Photic bedrock 5-7.5psu |
| Photic bedrock 7.5-11psu |
| Photic bedrock 11-18psu |
| Photic bedrock 18-30psu |
| Photic bedrock >30psu |
| Non-photic bedrock <5 psu |
| Non-photic bedrock 5-7.5psu |
| Non-photic bedrock 7.5-11psu |
| Non-photic bedrock 11-18psu |
| Non-photic bedrock 18-30psu |
| Non-photic bedrock >30psu |
| Photic hard bottom comp. <5 psu |
| Photic hard bottom comp. 5-7.5psu |
| Photic hard bottom comp. 7.5-11psu |
| Photic hard bottom comp. 11-18psu |
| Photic hard bottom comp. 18-30psu |
| Photic hard bottom comp. >30psu |
| Non-photic hard bottom comp. <5psu |
| Non-photic hard bottom comp. 5-7.5psu |
| Non-photic hard bottom comp. 7.5-11psu |
| Non-photic hard bottom comp. 11-18psu |
| Non-photic hard bottom comp. 18-30psu |
| Non-photic hard bottom comp. >30psu |
| Photic sand <5psu |
| Photic sand 5-7.5psu |
| Photic sand 7.5-11psu |
| Photic sand 11-18psu |
| Photic sand 18-30psu |
| Photic sand >30psu |
| Non-photic sand <5psu |
| Non-photic sand 5-7.5psu |
| Non-photic sand 7.5-11psu |
| Non-photic sand 11-18psu |
| Non-photic sand 18-30psu |
| Non-photic sand >30psu |
| Photic hard clay < 5psu |
| Photic hard clay 5-7.5psu |
| Photic hard clay 7.5-11psu |
| Photic hard clay 11-18psu |
| Photic hard clay 18-30psu |
| Photic hard clay >30psu |
| Non-photic hard clay <5psu |
| Non-photic hard clay 5-7.5psu |
| Non-photic hard clay 7.5-11psu |
| Non-photic hard clay 11-18psu |
| Non-photic hard clay 18-30psu |
| Non-photic hard clay >30psu |
| Photic mud <5psu |
| Photic mud 5-7.5psu |
| Photic mud 7.5-11psu |
| Photic mud 11-18psu |
| Photic mud 18-30psu |
| Photic mud >30psu |
| Non-photic mud <5psu |
| Photic mud 5-7.5psu |
| Photic mud 7.5-11psu |
| Photic mud 11-18psu |
| Photic mud 18-30psu |
| Photic mud >30psu |
Baltic Sea Ice minimum 1960 to 1964 (64)
Baltic Sea Ice minimum 2005 to 2009 (65)
Baltic Sea Ice maximum 1960 to 1964 (66)
Baltic Sea Ice maximum 2005 to 2009 (67)
Modelled photic zone polygon EUSeaMap (68)
| Non-photic |
| Photic |
Modelled photic zone BALANCE (69)
| Photic |
| Non-photic |
Modelled bottom salinity BALANCE (70)
| < 5 psu |
| 5 - 7.5 psu |
| 7.5 - 11 psu |
| 11 - 18 psu |
| 18 - 30 psu |
| > 30 psu |
Modelled bottom current BALANCE (71)
| High : 0,1787 - Low : 1,00505e-005 |
Modelled growth season bottom temp BALANCE (72)
| High : 18 - Low : 3,36487e-005 |
Seabed sediments BALANCE (73)
| Bedrock |
| Hard bottom complex |
| Sand |
| Hard clay |
| Mud |
Seabed sediment polygon BALANCE (74)
| Non-photic hard bottom |
| Photic hard bottom |
| Non-photic mud and clay |
| Photic mud and clay |
| Non-photic sand |
| Photic sand |
Seabed slope BALANCE (75)
| High : 57,9087 - Low : 0 |
SAMBAH summer management border for the Baltic Proper population of harbour porpoises (77)
SAMBAH probability of detection of harbour porpoises May – Oct (78)
| 0 - 0,03 |
| 0,04 - 0,09 |
| 0,1 - 0,17 |
| 0,18 - 0,26 |
| 0,27 - 0,38 |
| 0,39 - 0,53 |
| 0,54 - 0,68 |
| 0,69 - 0,81 |
| 0,82 - 0,92 |
| 0,93 - 1 |
SAMBAH probability of detection of harbour porpoises Nov – Apr (79)
| 0 - 0,04 |
| 0,05 - 0,11 |
| 0,12 - 0,19 |
| 0,2 - 0,28 |
| 0,29 - 0,4 |
| 0,41 - 0,52 |
| 0,53 - 0,63 |
| 0,64 - 0,74 |
| 0,75 - 0,83 |
| 0,84 - 0,92 |
Coastal fish indicator data (189)
| Point |
| Area |