EC_01: Productive surface waters (Chl-a) (169)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
EC_02: Bottom-water habitats not influenced by permanent anoxia (140)
| 0.001 - 0.204 |
| 0.205 - 0.380 |
| 0.381 - 0.62 |
| 0.620608 - 0.999 |
| 1 |
EC_03: Infralittoral coarse sediment (141)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_04: Infralittoral mixed sediment (142)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_05: Infralittoral mud (143)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_06: Infralittoral mud or Infralittoral sand (144)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_07: Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef (145)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_08: Infralittoral sand (146)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_09: Circalittoral coarse sediment (147)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_10: Circalittoral mixed sediment (148)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_11: Circalittoral mud (149)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_12: Circalittoral mud or Circalittoral sand (150)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_13: Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef (151)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_14: Circalittoral sand (152)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_15: Offshore circalittoral coarse sediment (153)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_16: Offshore circalittoral mixed sediment (154)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_17: Offshore circalittoral mud (155)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_18: Offshore circalittoral mud or Offshore circalittoral sand (156)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_19: Offshore circalittoral rock and biogenic reef (157)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_20: Offshore circalittoral sand (158)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_21: Furcellaria lumbricalis distribution (128)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_22: Zostera marina distribution (130)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_23: Charophyte distribution (126)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_24: Mytilus distribution (129)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_25: Fucus distribution (127)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_26: Sandbanks (1110) (159)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_27: Estuaries (1130) (160)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_28: Mudflats and sandflats (1140) (161)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_29: Coastal lagoons (1150) (162)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_30: Large shallow inlets and bays (1160) (163)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_31: Reefs (1170) (164)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_32: Baltic Esker islands (1610) (165)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_33: Submarine structures made by leaking gas (1180) (166)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_34: Boreal Baltic islets and small islands (1620) (167)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_35: Cod abundance (123)
| 0 |
| 0,1 - 0,1 |
| 0,2 - 0,3 |
| 0,4 - 0,5 |
| 0,6 - 0,7 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
EC_36: Herring abundance (124)
| 0 |
| 0,1 - 0,1 |
| 0,2 - 0,3 |
| 0,4 - 0,5 |
| 0,6 - 0,7 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
EC_37: Sprat abundance (125)
| 0 |
| 0,1 - 0,1 |
| 0,2 - 0,3 |
| 0,4 - 0,5 |
| 0,6 - 0,7 |
| 0,8 - 1 |
EC_38: Potential nursery areas for flounder (174)
| Data not available |
| No nursery (0) |
| Potential nursery areas (0,5) |
| High probability nursery areas (1) |
EC_39: Potential recruitment areas for perch (172)
| Potential recruitment areas (1) |
| No recruitment (0) |
EC_40: Potential recruitment areas for pikeperch (171)
| Potential recruitment areas (1) |
| No recruitment (0) |
EC_41: Potential spawning areas for cod (177)
| No spawning (0) |
| Potential spawning areas (0,5) |
| High probability spawning areas (1) |
EC_42: Potential spawning areas for Baltic flounder (176)
| No spawning (0) |
| Potential spawning areas (0,5) |
| High probability spawning areas (1) |
EC_43: Potential spawning areas for European flounder (175)
| No spawning (0) |
| Potential spawning areas (0,5) |
| High probability spawning areas (1) |
EC_44: Potential spawning areas for herring (173)
| No spawning (0) |
| Potential spawning areas (0,5) |
| High probability spawning areas (1) |
EC_45: Potential spawning areas for Sprat (170)
| No spawning (0) |
| Potential spawning areas (0,5) |
| High probability spawning areas (1) |
EC_46: Wintering areas for birds (137)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_47: Breeding areas for birds (138)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_48: Grey seal distribution (119)
| Very rare or no occurrence |
| Rare occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Regular occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Common occurrence and reproduction |
EC_49: Harbour seal distribution (118)
| Very rare or no occurrence |
| Rare occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Regular occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Common occurrence and reproduction |
EC_50: Ringed seal distribution (120)
| Very rare or no occurrence |
| Rare occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Regular occurrence, no regular reproduction |
| Common occurrence and reproduction |
EC_51: Harbour porpoise importance map HOLAS 3 (117)
EC_52: Potamogeton distribution (131)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_53: Myriophyllum distribution (132)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_54: Najas marina distribution (133)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_55: Fontinalis distribution (134)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_56: Callitriche distribution (135)
| Absent |
| Present |
EC_57: Zanichellia distribution (136)
| Absent |
| Present |
PL_01: Physical loss (198)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_02: Physical disturbance (199)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_03: Changes to hydrological conditions (200)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_04: Input of continuous anthropogenic sound (201)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_05: Input of impulsive anthropogenic sound (202)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_06: Input of heat (203)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_07: Hazardous substances (204)
| 0.0599999988 - 0.2479999989 |
| 0.247999999 - 0.4359999992 |
| 0.4359999993 - 0.6239999995 |
| 0.6239999996 - 0.8119999997 |
| 0.8119999998 - 1 |
PL_08: Eutrophication (205)
| 0.2762500049 - 0.4210000038 |
| 0.4210000039 - 0.5657500029 |
| 0.565750003 - 0.7105000019 |
| 0.710500002 - 0.855250001 |
| 0.8552500011 - 1 |
PL_09: Introduction of radionuclides (206)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_10: Oil slicks and spills (207)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_11: Disturbance of species due to human presence (208)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_12: Extraction of fish - Herring extraction (landings) (210)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_13: Extraction of fish - Cod extraction (landings) (211)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_14: Extraction of fish - Sprat extraction (landings) (212)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_15: Extraction of seabirds - Bird hunting (213)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |
PL_16: Extraction of mammals - Seal hunting (214)
| High : 0,0884538 - Low : 0 |
PL_17: Introduction of non-indigenous species (209)
| High : 1 - Low : 0 |